Judy has published quite a few books over the years – ten collections of her cartoons and nine picture books for children, six with Mem Fox and four solo. Like butterflies, cartoon collections live only briefly, and most of Judy’s are now out of print, but the two most recent ones, Random Life and Now or Never, are still available.
Judy is also well known for her picture books, particularly Where is the Green Sheep? which she created with Mem Fox in 2004 and which quickly became a children’s classic. Mem Fox and Judy Horacek picture books are published in both Australia and the USA.
Picture books by Mem Fox and Judy Horacek are widely available through bookshops, Judy’s cartoon books, Random Life and Now or Never are stocked at Brunswick Bound Bookshop and select other bookshops. Now or Never, Random Life and The Story of Growl are also available through Booktopia. For a short time only, Now or Never is available direct from Judy Horacek, and she’s happy to sign it.