The page for things going on in the world of Horacek.
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The page for things going on in the world of Horacek.
Scroll down to see all the exciting news!
Very proud that Mem Fox and my most recent book, Meerkat Mayhem, published by PRHA, has been named a Notable Book for 2025 by the Children’s Book Council of Australia Awards – Early Childhood category. Meerkat himself looks pretty pleased about it (or more likely that’s the worms he’s about to scoff, meerkats probably caring […]
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A while back the children’s theatre company Monkey Baa approached Jenny Darling and Associates, literary agents for Mem Fox and me, and asked if they could create a play of Mem and myWhere is the Green Sheep? Mem said ‘Yes!’. I said ‘Only if you let me create it with you…’. And that’s what’s been […]
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November 5 2024 is publication day of a newest book by Mem Fox and Judy Horacek – Meerkat Mayhem, published by Penguin Random House Australia. It’s our SIXTH book together, woo hoo! Along with the eponymous meerkat, there’s a whole gang of African animals. Absolute gorgeousness!
SPECIAL OFFER: A FREE WHERE IS THE GREEN SHEEP? STICKER AND ACTIVITY BOOK WITH ALL PRINTS SOLD IN NOVEMBER. Only while stocks last! The Horacek Print Shop includes Classic Cartoon Screenprints (the pictured print ‘Animal Impersonations’ is one of them) as well as prints done for my solo exhibitions over the years, and some just for […]
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My brand new book, Hey Diddle Diddle! now out in bookshops, published by Walker. The first in a series of nursery rhymes to be ‘re-imagined’ by me. In the case of Hey Diddle, that means a whole lot of extra characters (all very cute) and a visual narrative making more sense of the dish and […]
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After seven fabulous months, the Australia Institute has decided to no longer run my cartoons in their newsletter. Which of course I am extremely sad about, but hey ho, life is life, budgets are budgets, and trying to save the world means trying new things all the time (for them and for me). My cartoons […]
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As part of the Twentieth Birthday Celebrations of the beloved Where is the Green Sheep?, the publishers Penguin Random House Australia are producing a number of spin-off versions. First cab off the rank was the golden anniversary version of the classic book, next is the Where is the Green Sheep Sticker Activity Book, which should […]
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A bit over twenty years ago, Mem Fox was toottling about on the internet as you do, and saw on my website a tiny etching I had done of a sheep, which happened to be green. She fell instantly in love with it, and got in touch with me to tell me, and we decided […]
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Here are a couple of my recent cartoons from my wonderful gig at progressive thinktank The Australia Institute. Every fortnight they publish an e-newsletter, full of analysis and research and fact checking, and with a Horacek cartoon as well. My cartoons have their own page on the Australia Institute where you can see all the […]
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Come spring in Australia, keep an eye out for my new book Hey Diddle Diddle, which will be hitting the shelves in all good bookstores near you! It’s being published by Walker Books in a beautiful luxurious edition – my version of the famous nursery rhyme, with lots of extra gorgeous characters, and making some […]
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