After seven fabulous months, the Australia Institute has decided to no longer run my cartoons in their newsletter. Which of course I am extremely sad about, but hey ho, life is life, budgets are budgets, and trying to save the world means trying new things all the time (for them and for me). My cartoons finished at the end of March, the Two Simple Suggestions one above was my last one. If I had to go out, I was pleased to go out with a cartoon I felt particularly proud of. I felt proud of them all of course, but this one has a wonderful simplicity. A number of people contacted me to say how much they loved it.
You can see all the cartoons I did for The Australia Institute on their website here. I might make a special place for them on this website in due course, but not for the moment. You can see a lot of them in the News Items (like this one) on this website.