This month’s Topic is ‘Climate Change Part 1: Coal, Energy, and the Reef ‘. The way we are heading blindly into an environmental crisis makes me weep. The signs are already here – bushfires in winter, 100 year weather events occurring every couple of years, extinctions, the hottest years on record, the increase in the temperature of the oceans. The earth is an incredibly complex and fragile system, and yet we are treating it with total disdain. In spite of all the signs, we are still favouring profiteers over our environmental responsibilities, such as in the case of the Adani Mine, given the effect it will have on the Great Barrier Reef. Protecting the reef should be a no brainer, but instead of stopping the mine, the government keeps clearing away any obstacles to it.
Rant over – hope the cartoons help you feel a little less bleak, or at least a little less alone.
Next month’s topic is ‘Climate Change Part 2’, because it’s a topic important enough to deserve two parts.
Every month this website will feature twenty or so Horacek cartoons on a chosen topic. I choose them alphabetically. All cartoons are ©Judy Horacek. I’d rather you didn’t use these cartoons without my permission, but if you must, I’d appreciate it if you acknowledge my authorship and the source. They are cartoons, not memes! Cartoons this month were first published in the newspaper The Age, the Australian Magazine, the Herald Sun and the Canberra Times.