This month’s topic is ‘Feminism’, which is where my cartooning life first began. That was years ago, sometime last century in fact. Society has changed dramatically in that time, thanks to the activism and the smarts of many women. But we’re not there yet –I’m still finding plenty to do cartoons about.
Next month’s TOTM will be ‘Games’.
Every month this website will feature ten to twenty Horacek cartoons on a chosen topic. I chose them alphabetically – next month’s topic will be something starting with E. All cartoons are ©Judy Horacek. I’d rather you didn’t use these cartoons without my permission, but if you must, I’d appreciate it if you acknowledge my authorship and the source. They are cartoons, not memes. Cartoons this month were first published in The Age, Overland, Sheilas, The Walkley Magazine, and in some one-off commissions. (Actually, Sheilas is the place of first publication for the majority of them. It’s the monthly online feminist journal of the Victorian Women’s Trust and it’s free to subscribe, so you should definitely consider doing that).