Indigenous versions of Where is the Green Sheep?

The Indigenous Literacy Foundation is working on versions of Where is the Green Sheep? in indigenous languages.  The first two, Pitjantjatjara and Kriol, will be distributed (free!) to communities in February 2022.  Other Indigenous languages will follow.

I am beyond proud that Mem and my Green Sheep has been chosen by Indigenous Literacy Foundation for this project to bring more books in Language to Indigenous communities.

Pictured is the cover of the Pitjantjatjara edition.


2 thoughts on “Indigenous versions of Where is the Green Sheep?

  • Hi there,
    I’m so excited about that this book is being translated into indigenous languages! Is there an option to purchase copies? I’m a teacher and have students who speak Kriol.

    • Hi Naomi, at the moment it is only being produced by the Indigenous Literacy Foundation for their own distribution (giving them away free to remote communities), and isn’t available as a trade book. I have asked Penguin Random House about it and they have said that they might publish it themselves to be sold. A bit vague – I imagine they’d do it if they thought there is a market there. I think it would be a marvellous thing to happen, but I don’t have any way to influence it. Best thing might be to contact Penguin Random House and express your interest. It would be amazing! Warm wishes, Judy

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