
Sometimes it seems like much of Judy’s career has been an ongoing quest to find new places to put cartoons.

Horacek limited edition prints are available for sale in the Stockroom, and you can see the details of Horacek books in Books. Below are ways to get Horacek cartoons on all kinds of other things – greeting cards, mugs, t-shirts, phone cases, calendars…

Cartoons on all kinds of things

Redbubble is a worldwide print-on-demand facility, producing mugs, t-shirts, phone cases, stickers and more. We’ve put lots of Horacek cartoons on their site for you to choose from. Visit Redbubble shop.

If there is a Horacek cartoon that you desperately want on a t-shirt or mug and isn’t on Redbubble already, email us and we’ll see what we can do.

Horacek Greeting Cards

Judy Horacek cards are available in selected shops and retail outlets across the world. They are produced and distributed in Australia by Blue Island Press, and in the UK and Europe by Cath Tate Cards.

You can buy Horacek cards online through the  Blue Island website, the online card shop, Paper Parrot and through various retail outlets such as the National Library of Australia Bookshop in Canberra which has an excellent range, and they have Horacek books too.  

If you are based in UK or Europe, you can buy Horacek cards direct through  Cath Tate , check out her website for more.

Wholesale Enquiries

Australia and New Zealand – Blue Island Press contact
UK and Europe – email Cath Tate Cards,

Calendars & Other Stationery

Blue Island Press have been producing Judy Horacek Wall Calendars since 2017, a different cartoon for every month. For 2021 there are two calendars – a general Horacek calendar and one with an environmental focus, ‘Gentle Reminders from the Planet’. 

Calendars are available in selected shops including National Library of Australia Bookshop in Canberra and Brunswick Bound bookshop in Brunswick (both of which also stock Horacek cartoon books and sell online as well as IRL). For online only, head over to the wonderful card shop, Paper Parrot, who we love because of their emphasis on Australian artists and designers (and because it’s a small business run by our friend Anne).

Limited Edition Prints

Also be sure to check out Judy’s etchings, linocuts, photopolymer prints, lithographs in the Horacek Print Shop here.