A while back the children’s theatre company Monkey Baa approached Jenny Darling and Associates, literary agents for Mem Fox and me, and asked if they could create a play of Mem and myWhere is the Green Sheep?
Mem said ‘Yes!’. I said ‘Only if you let me create it with you…’. And that’s what’s been happening over the last year or so – I have been working with a bunch of wonderful people making this play, sometimes with me going up to Sydney where Monkey Baa is based, lots of Zooms and Teams meetings, lots of extra thinking and drawing alone in my Melbourne studio. It’s going to be the most wondrous, funny, beautiful play ever!
Here’s what I know so far about the Premiere Season, which kicks off this June:
Brisbane – Out of the Box at QPAC : 17-22 June 2025
Sydney – Sydney Opera House : 10-21 December 2025
Melbourne – Arts Centre Melbourne : early 2026, dates to be announced
Wyong – The Art House : 2026 dates to be announced
Then, thanks to funding from Creative Australia, it’s going to tour all over the country, with the support of Monkey Baa’s touring partner, Arts on Tour.
I’m pretty sure I’m going to spend a lot of 2026 as a Green Sheep Groupie, following the play from town to town.
If you want to hear about venues for this amazing plays they are arranged/announced, sign up to Monkey Baa’s purpose-built Where is the Green Sheep? Play Newsletter
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